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Mapac is the official uniform supplier for South Rise Primary School

Please use the attached link at the bottom of the page to order uniform from Mapac.

At South Rise children are expected to wear school uniform. Navy school sweatshirts and cardigans, with the school logo, are available to purchase from the school office. There is no expectation that clothing has the school logo on it as long as the colours are correct. All items of uniform can be bought from local shops and supermarkets. All clothing must be clearly marked with your child's name. Other items are detailed below. 


  • Grey or black school trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts. A light blue checked dress may be work in the Summer months
  • Navy blue jumper or cardigan
  • White polo shirt
  • Plain black, white or grey short or knee-length socks (not over the knee) or black or grey tights
Please do not send your child to school wearing Jogging bottoms, leggings or jean style trousers.

Shoes and Boots

Shoes must be plain black and ‘sensible’ i.e. flat shoes that fasten and are secure on a child’s foot, enabling them to engage safely in all school activities.  Trainers may also be worn, but the whole trainer, including the sole and laces, must be plain black.

Boots are not part of the school uniform.  They may be worn into school on very wet, very cold days but your child must then change into their school shoes for the school day. If boots are worn these should also be plain black.

Please do not send your child to school wearing trainers or shoes with other colours added or coloured laces.

PE Kit

Children in Reception, KS1 and KS2 should bring a PE kit to school.

They should wear a plain T-shirt, dark shorts and in the winter a plain (no logos) dark-coloured tracksuit.

Children may also bring plimsolls or trainers to change in to for PE.


Children are not permitted to wear jewellery to school, except for one small stud/sleeper earrings in their ear lobes only and jewellery of special religious significance. Please inform your child’s teacher if this is the case.

Hairstyles and hairbands

Children's hair should be neat and tidy. 

Long hair should be tied back with hairbands that are blue, black, grey or white. Hairbands, ribbons/bows or ‘scrunchies’ should be plain and  should not have large flowers and adornments attached. Any beads in hair should also be in the school colours.

Extreme hairstyles such as shaved designs, Mohican or 'rats tails' hairstyles are not appropriate for school. All long hair must be tied back.


Nail Varnish

Children should not wear nail varnish to school.